Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obama=Greenest President Ever?

Reporter Michael Hawthorne looks at what kind of impact Obama will have on environmental issues. While the article is nicely written and brings in several sources contemplating what kind of environmental relief the Obama administration will provide, there is never any proposed legistlation/plans (as the sub-headline implies "Obama's plans for environmental legislation may have big impact"). There is only speculation.

Obviously the Tribune has been immersed in Obama's transition of power, and it's only fitting to run this article now. However, there's a big source lacking--Obama. While this story is a nice preface to what he might do (so in that way the headline is kind of okay), it doesn't lay out any real ideas that he's offered. Of course we don't really expect Hawthorne to get on the phone right away, but I think a better way to approach this story would have been to look at "The Environment Under Obama" offering some hypothetical situations.

I think another way to go with this story as well would be to look at what we should expect given the poor state of the economy. Hawthorne alludes to this, "Some of his promises could be muted by a troubled economy," but it would be a good direction to take this story next.

Find the article here.


1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I know what you mean about no ACTUAL plans being included. I think this is an essential component that should not be missing. People can say all they want about what they think/hope Obama will do, but a newspaper article really ought to include more concrete evidence and proof of what he actually will do.